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Street Melancholy

“In the gentle embrace of street melancholy, moments quietly unfold and save the sad beauty of a passing world. Worth capturing is not the sadness per se, but the brief moment that embodies a sad but beautiful transience.

Stefan Czurda Street Melancholy

“Street Melancholy” is a black-and-white collection of street portraits that highlights fleeting emotions. In today’s fast-paced world, where we can barely separate ourselves from our cell phones, genuine human interactions are often overlooked.

Street Melancholy

As a street photographer, I aim to capture these unnoticed emotions, focusing particularly on melancholy.

My technique involves motion blur to create unstaged atmospheric portraits, which I call “Urban Ghosts“. Black and white photography is intended to further emphasize the melancholic mood.

Street Melancholy

„Street Melancholy“ is my way to render emotions of our fellows visible once more, even they are transient. But it’s crucial to understand melancholy as a synonym for all transient unnoticed emotions.

„…because the moment that brings you sadness may be fleeting, and in the very next moment you may be laughing again. Regrettably, both these moments today often go unnoticed by others“

Street Melancholy

“Street Melancholy” was awarded a honorable mention in the category “abstract vision” in the Black and White Photo Award 2024. A comprehensive background story on Street Melancholy was published in the Doho Magazine.

More about Stefans photography here.

Photos © Stefan Czurda